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Best Standard Operating Procedure of Dyeing / SOP for Dyeing / WI (Work Instruction) International Standard ( Part-6).

Process:    WI-DYEING                                                           Author:    A       
Document type:    WI-Work Instruction                                   Reviewer:    B       
Title:    MACHINE LOADING                                                Approver:    C    

1.0 PURPOSE    

This document describes the processes of loading the machines with fabric to ensure high Right First Time and machine Utilization for maximum number of batch loading within a 24hr operation.

2.0 SCOPE    

The scope of this WI covers the receipt of the fabric to the loading of the fabric into the dye vessel ready for the commencement of dyeing and is managed by;
Shift Executive.
Shift Supervisor.
Senior Machine Operator.
Machine Operator.

3.1 Batch Processing Card

Batch processing Card is used to record all batch details, customer, EKL #, construction and operational actions    
3.2 Batch Recipe

A list of pre-determined dyes and chemicals used to precise weights to achieve a specific colour.    
3.3 WI-EPY-PRD-001    Operational Planning.
Process of preparing the dye house production plan for each machine. Usually prepared by colour, depth of shade and priority.       

3.4 WI-EPY-PRD-002    Batch Scheduling.
The batch is assigned to a machine based on batch size, colour, urgency to T&A.       

3.5 WI-EPY-PRD-003    Fabric Preparation.
Fabric for the batch is prepared, weighing of total weights and individual nozzle weights.       

3.7 WI-EPY-PRD-005    Fabric Receiving.
The dyehouse takes receipt of the fabric from the Batch Preparation Department.       

3.8 WI-EPY-PRD-006    Recipe Sheet Preparation.
The process of developing a recipe using colour, fabric weight, origin of fabric, machine name/number       
3.9 WI-EPY-DYG-005    Dye & Chemical Distribution.
A process of preparation and distribution of chemicals prior to the demand from the machine.       

4.0 WI-EPY-DYG-007    Dyeing Machine Operation
Operate the machine according to the company best practice process to ensure high colour quality and Right First Time.       

4.1 WI-EPY-DYG-008    Addition or Topping.
The process required for improving colour or fabric quality by adjusting the treatment process to compensate for the drop in quality.       

4.2 WI-EPY-DYG-009    Colour Assessment.
A visual or digital assessment carried out against a physical standard to determine the colour variation.       
4.3 WI-EPY-DYG-010    Unloading Machine.
The process to efficiently unload the machine to maximise machine operational hours.    
Personal Protection Equipment
Worn at all times whilst working in the Chemical Store       
4.1 Footwear Protection
Worn to eliminate continued wet feet, eliminate chemical burns and eliminate slippage on wet floors.    
4.2 No Smoking
Smoking is not permitted on the production floor or offices.    
4.3 Eye Protection
Used to eliminate corrosive burns from chemicals.    
4.4 Hand Protection
Used to eliminate corrosive burns from chemicals and to improve grip of chemical containers.    

5.1 The Machine Operator must be literate and have achieved SS2 grade.
5.2 The Machine Operator is to receive 4 weeks formalised training before being released to operate the machine unsupervised.

6.1 High Pressure Fabric Dyeing Machine.

6.2 Atmospheric Fabric Dyeing Machine

6.3 JET Fabric Dyeing Machine.

6.4 Fabric Transportation Trolley
This trolley is used only for dry fabric and will never be used for wet fabric.    
6.5 Fabric Rope
Used to attach to the end of the fabric and feed over the winch and through the nozzle.    
6.6 Fabric Hook
Used for capturing the end of the fabric whilst the fabric is in the machine.    
Position    Responsibility       
Shift Executive    Manage the whole process        
Shift Supervisor    Follow up the process       
Senior Machine Operator    Execute the process       
Machine Operator    Execute the process    


8.1Following the production plan the machine operator first checks the recipe, the batch card for the same batch number as the production plan. If they are incorrect the Operator will speak with the Supervisor to identify the problem and locate the correct batch/fabric/recipe.

8.2The Machine operator will check to ensure the chemicals are available before beginning the machine loading routine.

8.3 Once the information is confirmed as correct the operator first checks the machine for any operational issues such as stains, contamination (inside the machine) or leaks.
8.3 Machine Controller
The controller is used to run the dye vessel and requires the machine operator to enter the batch details such as water volume, Liquor Ratio, Pump pressure, winch speeds etc.    

8.4 Once the review has been completed the operator will enter the machine program in the controller following the directions of the batch program.

8.5 From the master history file the operator will add the following data;
The volume of water required to maintain a 1:5 Liquor Ratio (L;R).
Length of fabric as taken from the batch card.
The carry over.
The Winch Speed.
The Pump Pressure.

8.6 With all the data entered the operator will then dose the first chemicals required (as per the recipe) into the stock tank. This is either used from manual process (WI-EPY-DYG-001) or can be from the ColorSystem chemical delivery system (WI-EPY-DYG-003).

8.7 The water is then fed into the machine to top the volume of the water to maintain the required L:R.

8.8 The fabric is then fed into the machine by the following process;
8.8.1 The fabric rope is tied onto the end of the fabric.
8.8.1 Rope tied onto the fabric.
The rope is fed into the machine to assist with loading the fabric.    
8.8.2 The operator will then turn the pump on to assist the feeding of the fabric through the nozzle.

8.8.3 When the rope is tied onto the fabric the operator will feed the rope/fabric over the winch and through the nozzle.

8.8.3 Rope Feed Process
The rope is fed into the machine over the winch and through the nozzle.    
8.8.4 When the rope/fabric returns return to the beginning using the hook he operator will capture the fabric/rope and pull the end of the fabric out of the machine (for sewing the ends).

8.8.4 Hooking the fabric/rope
The Operator captures the rope/fabric using the hook.   

8.8.6 The operator will continue to load the fabric into the machine until the end of the fabric and the beginning of the fabric are together.

8.8.7 At the moment the ends are together the operator/helper will sew the 2 ends together.

8.8.7 Sewing the fabric ends.
The ends are sewn together so the fabric forms one big loop.    
8.8.8 Once the ends are completely sewn together the fabric will load directly into the machine and the window will be shut.

8.8.9 Depending on the number of nozzles this process (from 8.5.3 to 8.5.8).

8.8.10 Once all the nozzles are full with the fabric the operator will check that all windows are securely shit and then run the program.

With the program entered and the Operator will then double check the batch number written on the fabric to ensure it is the same as the batch number recorded on the recipe. If this is different the Operator is to seek the Supervisor to identify the problem and change as required.

8.5 Once all is prepared the machine operator will then give the command on the controller for the machine to start the batch by following the directions listed below;

Machine Operation can be summarized as below tables (For Fong’s Machine):

8.5.1 First screen of Fongs Controller
Select & press program Option    
8.5.2 Select desired program from program list by using arrow key pad from controller and then press the Batch option from controller.   
8.5.3 Insert Batch information in screen monitor e.g.
Total fabric weight
Liquor Ratio
Then press Ok button (F4).
8.5.4 Save the setting (F2).    
8.5.5 Press the green Button of Key pad  of controller for operation.   
8.5.6 Functional operational switches for manual operation.

Acronym    Term       
Batch Card    A physical card generated to record full batch details from customer name, Fabric and construction.       
Batch Recipe    A piece of computer generated (excel/auto) printed copy of required dyes and chemicals as well as all information regarding the Batch being processed e.g. fabric specification, L:R, fabric weight etc.       
Rope    The tubular form of open width fabric    


If the program is incorrect the operator will seek out the Supervisor on appropriate action.

11.0 REVISIONS    

Revision    Date    Author of Change    What Alterations were Made       
1    13/03/2020    A    1st Generation of WI.       
Author:    A           
Reviewer    B           
Approver    C