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Best Standard Operating Procedure of Dyeing / SOP for Dyeing / WI (Work Instruction) International Standard ( Part-5).

Process:    DYEING                                                                     Author:    A       
Document type:    WI-Work Instruction                                      Reviewer:    B       
Title:    DISTRIBUTION DYES & CHEMICALS                     Approver:    C    
1.0 PURPOSE    

The purpose of this document is to ensure that correct procedures are in place to efficiently and effectively distribute dispensed dyes and chemicals to dye vessel stock tanks/Addition tanks manually, limiting accidental spillages and procedural delays.

2.0 SCOPE    

The scope of this WI covers the operations includes pre-treatment & Dyeing of the fabric into the dye vessel and is managed by;
Shift Executive.
Shift Supervisor.
Senior Machine Operator.
Machine Operator.

3.1 Batch Processing Card

Batch processing Card is used to record all batch details, customer, EKL #, construction and operational actions    
3.2 Batch Recipe

A list of pre-determined dyes and chemicals used to precise weights to achieve a specific colour.    
3.3 WI-FIRM-PRD-006    Recipe Sheet Preparation.
The process of developing a recipe using colour, fabric weight, origin of fabric, machine name/number       
The accurate process of developing the appropriate chemicals and weights for the development of dyed fabric.       
The process of accurately preparing and weighing powdered dyestuff for reliable production of dyed fabric with a high Right First Time (RFT).       
The process of utilising the auto chemical delivery system and how the information is captured in the system to how it is delivered to the dyeing machines.       
Describes the processes taking place in the Dye-house including production and inspection, ensuring best possible quality of dyed fabric obtained with the highest possible efficiency.       
3.7 WI-FIRM-DYG-007    Dyeing Machine Operation
Operate the machine according to the company best practice process to ensure high colour quality and Right First Time.       
3.8 WI-FIRM-DYG-008    Addition or Topping.
The process required for improving colour or fabric quality by adjusting the treatment process to compensate for the drop in quality.   

Personal Protection Equipment
Worn at all times whilst working in the Chemical Store       
4.1 Footwear Protection
Worn to eliminate continued wet feet, eliminate chemical burns and eliminate slippage on wet floors.    

4.2 No Smoking
Smoking is not permitted on the production floor or offices.    

4.3 Eye Protection
Used to eliminate corrosive burns from chemicals.    
4.4 Hand Protection
Used to eliminate corrosive burns from chemicals and to improve grip of chemical containers.    


5.1 The Machine Operator must be literate and have achieved SS2 grade.
5.2 The Machine Operator is to receive 4 weeks formalised training before being released to operate the machine unsupervised.


 6.1 Suitable containing devices to transport dyes and chemicals to respective dye vessels (eg, baskets, trolleys, etc).

 6.2 Rinsing facility at Addition tanks.    
6.3 Transportation (Hand Lift)
Position    Responsibility       

Operators/ Sr. Operators    
Execute the distribution process       

Shift Supervisor    
Supervise the whole process       

Shift officer/ Executive    
Supervise the whole process    


8.1 Effective and efficient distribution of dispensed dyestuffs and chemicals to relative dye vessels and Addition tanks is vital.  With the implementation of a simple distribution strategy, the following critical situations can be avoided:

Dye/chemical spillages during transit.
Dye spillages during transfer to Addition tanks.
Batch start delays due to lack of dyes/chemicals by respective machinery.

Failure to maintain an efficient and effective Distribution strategy will can seriously impact on Color Quality and Lots Per Machine Per Day (LpMpD).

The summarized distribution steps for all relevant dye vessel operators are as follows:

8.2 Identify next machine operation for Addition tank preparation
Dye vessel operators should be in a position to identify the next process that requires Addition tank preparation while a current process i.e. treatment is running, by visually recognizing empty machine preparation areas (i.e. there are no visible dyes and chemicals waiting in machine preparation areas).

8.3 Collect dispensed dyes and chemicals from Dispense area in suitable container
If a subsequent process and/or batch is scheduled, the operator must collect the dispensed dyes and chemicals from a location in the dispensing area which has been designated to that specific machine.  The dyes, chemicals and recipe for the next process and/or batch should be available and grouped together in a suitable container.  

WI-FIRM-DYG-008 relating recipe preparation to dyes & chemicals (Dispensing of Dyestuffs and Chemicals), all dyestuff and chemical receptacles should be clearly identified by some means e.g. labeled, to represent corresponding recipes. The operator should check that all products listed on the recipe have been inspected before distributing the container to the machine preparation area.  

8.4 Distribute container and recipe to dye vessel preparation area
Carefully distribute the container to the dye vessel, ensure that no dyestuff or chemical contents are spillled or lost in transit. Place the container next to the machine with a designated preparation area. This area should be free of obstructions.

8.5 Check recipe with Standards color to be matched
To ensure that the dispensed dyes have been distributed to the correct amount, dip a corner of recipe paper into mixed dyestuff solution to compare with the standard color to be matched for clarification of desired shade.

8.6 Prepare next bath chemicals/dyes before current step/batch completes dye cycle
While the current batch or step is completing its dye cycle, as requested by the machine controller, prepare the next bath or process liquor for chemicals or dyes in advance to avoid delays associated with the preparation of the dyes and chemicals of next batch or steps.

8.7 Rinse residues of dye powder/solution into Addition tanks by activation of Rinse button Addition tank.

8.8 Clean the container used in dispensing area.

Acronym    Term       
Batch Card    A physical card generated to record full batch details from customer name, Fabric and construction.       

Recipe    A piece of computer generated (excel/auto) printed copy of required dyes and chemicals as well as all information regarding the Batch being processed e.g. fabric specification, L:R, fabric weight etc.       

Wetting Agent    Reduces the surface tension and impart wet ability of fabric at semi-bleaching.          

Anti-crease    Act as lubricating to reduce friction       

Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)    Bleaching agent       

Stabilizer    Stabilizes  H2O2 at semi-bleaching to obtain better bleaching performance        

Peroxide Killer    Act to destroy residual peroxide after semi-bleaching       

Detergent    Act as wetting agent or wash off agent.       

Sequesterant    To deactivate metal ion as well as reduce hardness of water.       

Electrolyte (SALT)    Act exhausting agent       

Enzyme     Process involved with Biocatalyst to remove protruding fibre from fabric       

Levelling    Control dye bath       

Alkali    Act as dyes fixation at dyeing operation       

OBA    Act as optical Brightening agent.       

Dispersing Agent    For well dispersion of disperse dyes       

Reduction Clean    Highly alkaline treatment to remove unfixed dyes from fabric.    


Dye vessel operators must be trained in the handling of spillages.  All spillages of dyes or chemicals whilst in transit to the dye vessel preparation areas, or during transfer into Addition tanks, must be reported to the shift supervisor or team leaders.

If the spillage occurred in transit to the dye vessel, procedures must be followed for a re-dispense of the required product(s).  Consumption data must be updated accordingly.

10.2 Wrong Shade at mixing/Addition tank
Dye vessel operators must be trained to confirm the distributed dyestuffs in addition tank regarding the outcomes of shades of mixed dyes through the assessment supervisor/ Shift officer with desired color. If mismatch happen all the color must be drained and re-dispensed and information must be shared with manager.

11.0 REVISIONS    

Revision    Date                               Author of Change    What Alterations were Made       
1    28/03/2016                                              A                      1st Generation of WI.       
Author:    A           
Reviewer    B           
Approver    C