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Best Standard Operating Procedure of Dyeing / SOP for Dyeing / WI (Work Instruction) International Standard ( Part-7 ).

Process:    WI-DYEING                                              Author:    A       
Document type:    WI-Work Instruction                      Reviewer:    B       
Title:    DYEING MACHINE OPERATION              Approver:    C    
1.0 PURPOSE    

This document describes the processes of dyeing machines operation with fabric to ensure high Right First Time and machine Utilisation with utmost efficiency as well as ensure required safety measures.

2.0 SCOPE    

The scope of this WI covers the operations includes pre-treatment & Dyeing of the fabric into the dye vessel and is managed by;
Shift Executive.
Shift Supervisor.
Senior Machine Operator.
Machine Operator.

3.1 Batch Processing Card

Batch processing Card is used to record all batch details, customer, EKL #, construction and operational actions    
3.2 Batch Recipe

A list of pre-determined dyes and chemicals used to precise weights to achieve a specific colour.    

WI-EPY-PRD-006    Recipe Sheet Preparation.
The process of developing a recipe using colour, fabric weight, origin of fabric, machine name/number       

 WI-EPY-DYG-005    Dye & Chemical Distribution.
A process of preparation and distribution of chemicals prior to the demand from the machine.       

 WI-EPY-DYG-007    Dyeing Machine Operation
Operate the machine according to the company best practice process to ensure high colour quality and Right First Time.       

WI-EPY-DYG-008    Addition or Topping.
The process required for improving colour or fabric quality by adjusting the treatment process to compensate for the drop in quality.       

 WI-EPY-DYG-009    Colour Assessment.
A visual or digital assessment carried out against a physical standard to determine the colour variation.       

WI-EPY-DYG-010    Unloading Machine.
The process to efficiently unload the machine to maximise machine operational hours.    

Personal Protection Equipment
Worn at all times whilst working in the Chemical Store       

Footwear Protection
Worn to eliminate continued wet feet, eliminate chemical burns and eliminate slippage on wet floors.    

 No Smoking
Smoking is not permitted on the production floor or offices.    

Eye Protection
Used to eliminate corrosive burns from chemicals.    

 Hand Protection
Used to eliminate corrosive burns from chemicals and to improve grip of chemical containers.    


5.1 The Machine Operator must be literate and have achieved SS2 grade.

The Machine Operator is to receive 4 weeks formalised training before being released to operate the machine unsupervised.


6.1 High Pressure Fabric Dyeing Machine.
6.2 Atmospheric Fabric Dyeing Machine

6.3 JET Fabric Dyeing Machine.

Indicate the PH of any specific process.    

Indication of residual peroxide after pre-treatment.    
Position    Responsibility       
Shift Executive    Provide recipe and nominate program to be followed        
Shift Supervisor    Ensure proper execution of process as well as maintain safety measures       
Senior Machine Operator    Assist in faster execution of machine operation       
Machine Operator    Execute machine operation as per WI     



Following the production plan the machine operator first checks the recipe, the batch card for the same batch number as the production plan. If they are incorrect the Operator will speak with the Supervisor to identify the problem and locate the correct batch/fabric/recipe.


The Machine operator will check to ensure the chemicals are available before beginning the machine loading routine.


 Once the information is confirmed as correct the operator first checks the machine for any operational issues such as stains, contamination (inside the machine) or leaks.


Machine Controller
The controller is used to run the dye vessel and requires the machine operator to enter the batch details such as water volume, Liquor Ratio, Pump pressure, winch speeds etc.    

Once the review has been completed the operator will select the machine program for required desired process. The commonly required process are as below:

    8.4.1 Semi-bleach (for pre-treatment)
    8.4.2 Full Bleach (for white)
    8.4.3 All in Method (Reactive Dyeing)
    8.4.4 Cool Down Method (Reactive Dyeing)    
    8.4.5 Disperse Dyeing Method


In the machine monitor operator will add the following data;
The volume of water required to maintain a 1:5 or 1:8 Liquor Ratio (L;R).
Length of fabric as taken from the batch card.
The carry over.
The Winch Speed.
The Pump Pressure.
Set the winch speed at a level to maintain cycle time below/equal to 3 min.


With all the data entered the operator will select the required process program and then dose the first chemicals required (as per the recipe) into the stock tank. This is either used from manual process (WI-EPY-DYG-001) or can be from the ColorSystem chemical delivery system (WI-EPY-DYG-003).


The water is then fed into the machine to top the volume of the water to maintain the required L:R.


The machine will run by start button.


 The operator will then turn the pump on to assist the feeding of the fabric through the nozzle.


 When the rope is tied onto the fabric the operator will feed the rope/fabric over the winch and through the nozzle.

8.9. Semi-Bleach process

    8.9.1 Bleaching Process

The steps for Bleaching Process are as follows:

Take water in bath at required level

Load fabric in the machine

Add Detergent, Sequestering Agent, Anti-Creasing Agent, Stabilizer

Add Caustic Soda Solution

Circulate the fabric and raise the temperature at 600C

Add Hydrogen per Oxide Solution

Continue circulating the fabric for 5 minutes and raise the temperature at 980C

Continue circulate the fabric for 45 minutes at constant temperature (980C)

Continue circulating the fabric and decrease the temperature at 800C

Rinse and Drain

Add Acetic acid, Hydrogen per Oxide Killer and raise the temperature at 550C

Continue circulating the fabric for 10 minutes at constant temperature (550C)

Rinse and Drain

Add Detergent and raise the temperature at 800C

Continue circulating the fabric for 10 minutes at constant temperature (800C)

Rinse and Drain

8.9.2 Semi-Bleaching Process Recipe:

The recipes for Scouring & Bleaching process are given below:

The Semi-Bleaching Process can be graphically represented as follows:

Enzyme Treatment:

The main objective of enzyme treatment is to obtain clearer fabric surface by removing protruding fibre from fabric surface.

Here we use two type of Enzyme:

1. Neutral Enzyme: To obtain moderate enzyme effect upon treated fabric. It is done in neutral condition.

2. Acid Enzyme: Applied when more clean fabric surface is required. Here required PH level to be maintained is 4.5-5.0
Enzyme is normally done at a temperature at 550C for 60 minute.

After any enzyme treatment a hot treatment must be maintained to deactivate enzyme function by raising the bath temperature at 800C for 10 minute.

8.10 Reactive Dyeing Process:

8.10.1 Reactive Dye-Stuff

Reactive groups are present in the molecules of the reactive dyes. These dyes chemically react with fibres hence it is called The Reactive Dyes. These type of dyes posses reactive groups which during the process of dyeing, reacts chemically with the fibre substrate to form a covalent bond so that chemically speaking it becomes a part of the fibre itself.

The reaction is as follows:

D-F-CH = CH2 + Cell-OH         D-F-CH2-CH2-O-Cell

8.10.2 Properties of Reactive Dyes

The properties of reactive dyes are as follows:

Anionic in nature

Soluble in water

It forms strong covalent bond with fibre

Their wet fastness and light fastness are good

They have better substantivity

They are used in alkaline condition

8.10.3 Influencing Factors for Dyeing

During dyeing with reactive dyes, following important factors are to be considered:

The pH of the bath

The temperature of bath

The concentration of the electrolyte

The time of dyeing

The liquor ratio

Program followed:

1. All in method (for Extra Dark)

2. Cool Down Method

Steps of Reactive Dyeing Process with All in Method Program

The sequence for dyeing process with All in Method is as follows:

Take water in bath at required level

Load fabric in the machine

Add Detergent, Sequestering Agent, Anti-creasing Agent

Check pH of the Dye bath

Circulate the fabric for 5 minutes at 600C

Add Electrolytic agent (G. Salt) and circulate for 5 minutes at 600C

Add Dye solution by linear dosing and circulate the fabric for 20 minutes at 600C

Add Soda Ash solution by curve dosing and circulate the fabric for 45 minutes at 600C

Continue circulating the fabric for 30  50 minutes at constant temperature (600C)

Check the shade with approved shade

Rinse and Drain

Add Acetic acid and circulate for 10 minutes at 500C


Add Soaping Chemical and circulate for 10 minutes at 950C


Circulate the fabric for 10 minutes at 500C



Graphical Representation (All in method)

The sequence for dyeing process with Cool Down Method is as follows:

Take water in bath at required level

Load fabric in the machine

Add Detergent, Sequestering Agent, Anti-creasing Agent

Circulate the fabric for 5 minutes at 600C

Check pH of the Dye bath

Add Dye solution by linear dosing and circulate the fabric for 20 minutes at 600C

Add Electrolytic agent (G. Salt) and circulate for 10 minutes at 600C

Raise temperature 800C and circulate for 15 min

Cool temp at 600C 10 min

Add Soda Ash solution by curve (Progressive) dosing and circulate the fabric for 45 minutes at 600C

Continue circulating the fabric for 30  60 minutes at constant temperature (600C)

Check the shade with approved shade

Rinse and Drain

Add Acetic acid and circulate for 10 minutes at 500C


Add Soaping Chemical and circulate for 10 minutes at 950C


Circulate the fabric for 10 minutes at 500C



Graphical Representation (Cool down method)


The sequence for dyeing process with Disperse dyes is as follows:

Take water in bath at required level

Add Detergent, Sequestering Agent, Anti-creasing Agent, Dispersing Agent

Circulate the fabric for 5 minutes at 500C

Add Acetic acid and circulate for 5 minutes at 500C

Check pH of the Dye bath

Add Dye solution by linear dosing and circulate the fabric for 10 minutes at 500C

Circulate the fabric and raise the temperature at 1300C (1.50C/min after 800C)

Continue circulating the fabric for 30  40 minutes at constant temperature (1300C)

Circulate the fabric and decrease the temperature at 800C

Check the shade with approved shade

Rinse and Drain

Add Caustic Soda and circulate for 3 minutes at 500C

Add Hydrose and raise the temperature at 800C

Continue circulating the fabric for 15 minutes at constant temperature (800C)


Add Acetic acid and circulate for 10 minutes at 600C


Graphical Representation (Disperse Dyeing)

Steps of Whitening Process for 100% Cotton

The sequence for whitening process for 100% cotton fabric is as follows:

Take water in bath at required level

Add Detergent, Sequestering Agent, Anti-creasing Agent, Stabilizer

Circulate the fabric for 5 minutes at 500C

Add Caustic Soda and circulate for 5 minutes at 500C

Add Hydrogen per Oxide and circulate for 5 minutes at 500C

Add Optical Brightener agent and raise the temperature at 1000C

Continue circulating the fabric for 50 minutes at constant temperature (1000C)

Circulate the fabric and decrease the temperature at 600C

Check the shade with approved shade

Rinse and Drain

Add Acetic acid and circulate for 10 minutes at 500C



Graphical Representation (Whitening process)

Acronym    Term       

Batch Card    A physical card generated to record full batch details from customer name, Fabric and construction.       

Recipe    A piece of computer generated (excel/auto) printed copy of required dyes and chemicals as well as all information regarding the Batch being processed e.g. fabric specification, L:R, fabric weight etc.       
Cycle time    The amount of time required for one complete rotation of fabric rope in a machine nozzle.        
All in Method    A specific type of dyeing program which maintain isothermal process during dyeing operation       

Cool  down    Represents migration of temperature at higher degree other than isothermal in dyeing operation       

PH    Important parameter need to be maintained to ensure good product quality with good reproducibility. Generally number ranging from 0-14, where 0-6 indicate acidic media, 7 is neutral and 8-14 is alkaline medium.       

Semi-Bleaching    Combined Scouring & Bleaching treatment upon greige fabric to attain fabric absorbency with required level of fabric whiteness prior Dyeing.       

Wetting Agent    Reduces the surface tension and impart wet ability of fabric at semi-bleaching.          

Anti-crease    Act as lubricating to reduce friction       

Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)    Bleaching agent       

Stabilizer    Stabilizes  H2O2 at semi-bleaching to obtain better bleaching performance        

Peroxide Killer    Act to destroy residual peroxide after semi-bleaching       

Detergent    Act as wetting agent or wash off agent.       

Sequesterent    To deactivate metal ion as well as reduce hardness of water.       

Electrolyte (SALT)    Act exhausting agent       

Enzyme     Process involved with Biocatalyst to remove protruding fibre from fabric       

Levelling    Control dye bath       

Alkali    Act as dyes fixation at dyeing operation       

OBA    Act as optical Brightening agent.       

Dispersing Agent    For well dispersion of disperse dyes       

Reduction Clean    Highly alkaline treatment to remove unfixed dyes from fabric.    


If the program is incorrect the operator will seek out the Supervisor on appropriate action.

Equipment Fault    Response       
Pump Fault    Call Mechanical Maintenance.       
Dosing Fault    Self / Call Mechanical / Electrical Maintenance.       
Pump Leakage    Call Mechanical Maintenance.       
Filling Problem    Call Mechanical / Electrical Maintenance.       
Valve Leakage    Call Mechanical Maintenance.       
Program Deleting    Call Electrical Maintenance.       
Pressure Fluctuation    Self / Call Mechanical / Electrical Maintenance.       
Motor Fault    Call Mechanical Maintenance.    

11.0 REVISIONS    

Revision    Date    Author of Change    What Alterations were Made       
1    13/03/2016    A    1st Generation of WI.       
Author:    A           
Reviewer    B           
Approver    C