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Best Standard Operating Procedure of Dyeing / SOP for Dyeing / WI (Work Instruction) International Standard ( Part-2).

Process:    DYEING                                                     Author:    A       
Document type:    WI-Work Instruction                      Reviewer:    B       
Title:    Manual Dyestuff Dispensing                           Approver:    C    

1.0 PURPOSE    

This document describes the processes of accurately preparing and weighing powdered dyestuff for reliable production of dyed fabric with high Right First Time (RFT).

2.0 SCOPE    

This process covers all dye preparation for fresh and reprocess batches within the dye house production environment involving the dyestuff store-man and relevant supporting personnel.

Reference / Document    Example       
3.1 Batch Recipe

A list of pe-determined dyes and chemicals used to precise weights to achieve a specific colour.    

3.2 Chemical Requisition Slip (MRS)

A record used by finance to track the costs of each colour and to identify the amount of dye consumed from stock.    
3.3 Batch Processing Card

A record used to identify the unique batch properties from customer, construction, date required and operational actions.    
3.4 WI-EPY-DYG-007    
Dyeing Machine Operation.
The physical and sequential operation of a dyeing machine to achieve a Right First Time performance.
Personal Protection Equipment
Worn at all times whilst working in the Chemical Store       
4.1 No Smoking

Smoking is not permitted on the production floor or office.            
4.2 Footwear Protection    


5.1 Employees must undergo formal training and disciplines prior to unsupervised operation.
5.2 Employees must be literate.
5.3 The store staff also require a minimum of 4 weeks supervised training.
5.4 The store staff require training in first aid practices.

6.1 Weighing balance.

Used for weighing precise amounts.    
6.2 Dyestuff weighing systems.

A digital system for tracking exact quantities of materials per batch.

6.3 Computer Terminal.

Computer terminal used for ensuring exact accuracy of dyes for batching.
Position    Responsibilities       
Shift Executive    Is responsible for the printing of the chemical rule for the dye machine and sends it to the machine operator.       
Shift Supervisor    Is responsible for the development of the dye requisition form (EKL) which is sent to the dye store (CDA) for preparation.
In EFL the Supervisor sends the order to the chemical dispensing system for preparation.       
Sift Officer    Is responsible for observing the process of weighing the dyestuff is accurate to the recipe and machines are fully utilised.       
Dye Store-man    Are responsible for weighing the dyestuff exactly to the requirements of the recipe.    


8.1 Upon receiving dyestuff containers from the production floor the Store-man are first required to clean the containers ensuring that the inside and outside of the containers are free from dyes.
Note: Under no circumstances are the store-man to use containers for dyestuff preparation that have dyes inside the container existing from the previous dye lot.

8.2 The shift Officer is required to prepare the recipe in advance (1 batch in the machine and one beginning preparation) of the current batch in the machine completes its process in order to maximise machine utilisation checking the following;
Machine number.
Fabric construction.
Dye & chemical concentrations.
Program method

8.3 The Shift Executive or Management Trainee is required to review the dyestuff recipe for errors prior to sending to the Machine Operator.
8.2.1 If errors are found the error is identified and corrected before sending to bulk for preparation.

Illustration – Printed Recipe.

The recipe is printed from the Knitex Recipe Management system and reviewed prior to submitting to the production floor.

The review is to ensure the chemical rule is correct.    

8.6 The officer then sends the recipe to the machine operator as identified by the machine number at the top of the recipe.

8.7 The Machine Operator then sends the recipe to the dye-store for preparation. For EFL the dye store-man selects the recipe from the terminal by selecting the correct batch number that correlates to the batch number of the recipe.

8.8 The Store-man is to first check the balance “spirit level” is centred properly. IF it is not the Store-man is required to adjust the balance so the “bubble” is centred within the black ring before weighing of dyes can begin.

Spirit Level – Incorrectly aligned spirit level.

Adjust the feet on the balance until the bubble is centred properly.    

Illustration of incorrect alignment

8.9 Selecting a clean container, the dye Store-man then places the dye container on the balance.

8.9 Once the clean container is on the balance the store-man tare’s the balance to ZERO, see illustration 2.0 so that the screen reads 0.000 by pressing the tare button.

Illustration – Re-zero

Tare the balance to ZERO (0.000) once the bucket is on the scale.    
8.10 Before using a scoop from the rack the dye Store-man must ensure the dye scoop or dipper is completely free from dye contamination before removing dye from the box of dye.

Illustration – Bad Practice,
dye contamination

Illustration – Bad Practice,
dye contamination

8.11 The Store-man then selects the first dye on the list and identifies the name of the dye and dye strength.

8.11.1 The store-man then lifts the box and places the box onto the trolley and moves the trolley to the balance.

8.11.1 Dyestuff Selection.

The store-man will select the dye box according to the recipe.    
8.11.2 Using a clean scoop, the store-man then scoops dye from the original box and begins to add dye to the container on the balance until the value on the digital display is exactly the same as the dyestuff requirement on the recipe and then pours the remaining dye back into the box of origin and returns the box.

On the recipe the store-man then ticks the dye he has prepared to ensure that no mix up or selection of the incorrect weight can occur.

Recipe Dye Quantity    Weighed Quantity       

NOTE: The dyestuff must be the exact same weight. All care must be taken to ensure the accuracy of the dyestuff to the recipe. Any variation will cause the colour to be wrong.

8.11.2 The store-man will print a confirmation of the weight to act as a check from management that the weights are accurate to the recipe. The printed weights will be stapled to the recipe as confirmation.

8.11.3 For the 2nd dyestuff the store- man selects a new clean container and repeats the process from 8.8 to 8.11.

8.11.4 for the 3rd dye the store-man man selects a new clean container and repeats the process from 8.8 to 8.11.

8.12 Once all the dyes are prepared the Store-man records his name on the recipe and then sends the dye containers to the Machine Operator who will then begin the dye mixing process.

Acronym    Term       
CDA    Chemical and Dye stuff sub-store.       
Dipper    A tool (scoop) used to extract dye from the dyestuff box.       
Balance    A digital device which is used to accurately weigh an item, usually in grams or kilograms.    


Where the wrong dye is selected the dye store-man removes the dye container from the balance and begins the process of preparation from section 8.7.

11.0 REVISIONS    

Revision     Date                                      Author of Change    What Alterations were Made       
1st     09/03/2020                                                A                    First generation of WI-002       
Author:       A           
Reviewer    B           
Approver    C